- Maximum weight: 6,200 pounds.
- Front weight bracket can’t extend more than 195” from the center of the rear axle. Weight may not extend more than 65” from the centerline of the front axle. A tab must be welded at the center of the front axle for measuring.
- Weights can’t exceed the width of the vehicle. No weight allowed in the cab.
- All weight or ballast must be securely fastened.
- No higher than a 1-ton drive line.
- OEM frame rails only permitted.
- Suspension may be block or solid.
- All air or hydraulic suspension systems cannot have hydraulic, air, or electric lines attached to these devices during competition.
- Maximum regular cab length: 136”.
- Batteries are not allowed in the cab.
- A manual battery disconnect, easily accessible and clearly marked, is required.
- DOT-approved helmet must be worn and fastened.
- Fire coat, pants, and leather shoes are required.
- Vehicle must retain original factory wheelbase.
- Sheet metal must conform to wheelbase.
- No full fiberglass body is permitted.
- Must have an OEM firewall; the bed floor can be removed. If the floor is removed, it must have a bed cover.
- No mud flaps or dirt deflectors.
- Bed must replicate OEM; no flatbeds allowed.
- Cab must have sheet metal floor pans.
- No full lift or tilt body allowed. The front clip (hood, fenders, and core support) may tilt.
- Must have working front brakes.
- All vehicles must be equipped with upward-pointing exhaust out of the truck hood or directly under the cab/fender. If exhaust runs to the rear of the truck, it must turn up with an elbow.
- It is highly recommended that Two 3/8-inch diameter bolts be placed through the exhaust pipe in a cross pattern, within one inch of each other.
- All trucks must have at least a six-inch-wide U-joint shield around the rear U-joint, constructed of at least 5/16-inch steel or 3/8-inch aluminum, that will safely contain the U-joint and the end of the driveshaft. All shields must be securely mounted to the vehicle. Any front shaft U-joints that can be visibly seen from the side of the truck must be shielded to contain the U-joint and the end of the driveshaft.
- Axle shields are required, constructed from .060” thick steel or aluminum. A hole may be cut in one shield to allow operation of the hub lock.
- The safety switch must be securely mounted to the back of the vehicle. A 2-inch or larger solid ring must be attached to the end of the switch. The ring must be zip-tied to the switch bracket. The switch must also be able to be activated from the cab while the driver is secured in the vehicle.
- The transfer case and differential cannot be any larger than one ton.
- No drop boxes allowed.
- A posi-traction or welded front differential is allowed.
- Profab 205 quick-change transfer cases are allowed and will be sealed in tech.
- An SFI bell housing and/or SFI blow-proof bell housing or an SFI blanket-type shield must be used.
- Traction control devices are not permitted.
- Automatic transmissions must be covered 360 degrees, from the back of the engine block to the tail shaft bolts.
- Tires must be DOT-approved and no larger than 35x12.50 or 315x75 metric.
- The factory tire size must be stamped for verification. If the size is removed, the tire will be considered illegal.
- No studded tires, tire chains, or alterations to tires are permitted. Bar or terra tires are prohibited.
- All vehicles must have a 2.5 lb. dry chemical or a 1 lb. halo extinguisher.
- The extinguisher must be securely mounted within reach of the driver.
- No fuel tanks or fuel lines are allowed in the cab. Tanks may be mounted on the front weight box.
- Only gasoline or race fuel is allowed. No alcohol or nitrous.
- Fuel may be subject to testing. If refused, you will be disqualified.
- Seatbelts are required and should be fastened and worn during competition.
- The hitch must be rigged securely in all directions. No part of the hitch may extend more than 3” above the frame rails or be positioned forward of the centerline of the rear axle.
- No bolts in the hitch; forged pins must be used.
- The distance from the point of the hook to the centerline of the rear axle must be no less than 27% of the wheelbase.
- The maximum hitch height is 26” with a minimum opening of 3.75”x3”.
- A tab must be welded to the center of the rear axle for measurement.
- 440 cubic inch limit (Engine must be cubic inch checked and sealed, with a 2% variance). The engine must be in the truck.
- Any aluminum cylinder head is permitted.
- Non-OEM aluminum blocks are permitted. If using an aluminum block, 100 lbs. of weight must be placed in the engine bay and visible to the tech inspector. The block must have OEM bore spacing.
- Single naturally aspirated 4-barrel carbs with a four (4) bolt Dominator flange are allowed.
- No split-flange Dominator carbs allowed.
- No tunnel rams or sheet metal intakes allowed.
- Any make engine allowed with any make body.
- The rear of the block must be 12” behind the center of the front axle tube.
- All fans must be shrouded at least 180 degrees on top.
- A blow-proof harmonic balancer or 360-degree shields are highly recommended.
- No data loggers allowed.